South Plaza

Plazas Sur Island

Plazas Sur is a small uplifted island close to the east coast of Santa Cruz. It can be gloriously colorful from May to December with leaves of the endemic Succulent Sesuvium Edmonstonei, or Galapagos carpetweed as it´s commonly known, turning bright red. A large sea lion colony (one of the largest in Galapagos) resides on Plazas Sur. A small bachelor sea lion colony can be found at the cliff top on the southern side of the island. The territorial bulls, females, and pups are found on the northern side, where land iguanas can usually be seen enjoying the shade of Opuntia cactus trees, but are also present across much of the island. The birdlife on and around Plazas is remarkably varied, including brown pelicans, red-billed tropic birds, swallow-tailed gulls, frigatebirds, Nazca and blue-footed boobies, endemic Galapagos shearwaters, and brown noddies.