Imagine an isolated archipelago, in which there are different species evolving far away from external threats to become a natural paradise on earth.

Due to this unique ecosystem created in total isolation Galapagos is considered a “living laboratory.” The creatures inhabiting the islands do not have predators around so they are not afraid of the growing human presence.

Bespoke Galapagos & Angermeyer Cruises are pioneers in the Galapagos cruise business and for that, we are completely aware of our mission in the islands. We create job opportunities for its inhabitants, reduce the ecological damage by following the rules of the Galapagos National Park, and protect the islands from its growing threats such as illegal fishing and the invasive species that endanger the delicate marine reserve, threatening sharks, sea turtles, rays and over 3,000 different marine species.

To create a bigger impact through our actions we teamed up with WildAid and created the Galapagos Conservation Fund in order to protect the diverse Galapagos marine environment. This initiative will not only have an impact in Galapagos but on our passengers too by encouraging them to be a part of the solution.


When a visitor books a cruise aboard our luxury yacht M/ Y WildAid’s Passion , Bespoke Galapagos & Angermeyer Cruises donate a $100 USD to the Galapagos Conservation Fund.

In addition, Angermeyer Cruises donates once a year all the proceeds from a one-week charter on M/Y WildAid’s Passion.

To achieve this goal, WildAid collaborates with the navy and the Galapagos National Park to monitor the marine reserve through electronic surveillance technology, and also works with the Ecuadorian government in order to create regulations to stop illegal fishing.

All efforts are being put into this project to maintain the islands free of threats, creating consciousness about the Galapagos, and keeping high standards in our operation and service.

my Passion Galapagos WildAid